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Russia And China Now More 'Reasoned' And 'Measured' Than The US, Says Jo Swinson


Lib Dem deputy leader attacks ‘bully’ Donald Trump.
Russia and China are now more reliable in an international crisis than the United States under President Donald Trump, Lib Dem deputy leader Jo Swinson has said.
In an outspoken attack on Trump, Swinson renewed calls for Theresa May to rescind the offer of a state visit to the UK.
“Trump is a bully, a misogynist and a racist. He boasts about sexually assaulting women. He cruelly mocked a reporter for his disability. He has rolled back trans rights. And for someone who makes much of being straight-talking, he won’t call a Nazi a Nazi,” she told the Lib Dem party conference in Bournemouth.
“Yet the Conservative Government thinks it is right to offer Trump the honour of a state visit to the UK. They are wrong.”
Swinson, who was re-elected to the Commons at the snap election in June having lost her East Dunbartonshire seat in 2010, raised fears about how Trump is handling North Korea’s pursuit of nuclear weapons.
“When calm heads and brave leaders are needed more than ever, global politics seems broken. A few years ago it would have seemed inconceivable that in such a crisis, China would be a voice of reason, and Russia more measured than America,” she said.

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