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Suicide Attack Wounds US Troops


An Afghanistan car suicide attack on the anniversary of 9/11 wounded two U. S. troops and three Afghan civilians.
An Afghanistan car suicide attack on the anniversary of 9/11 wounded two U. S. troops and three Afghan civilians.
Operation Resolute Support, the U. S. mission in Afghanistan, released a statement Monday noting that a “small number” of service members suffered injuries after a suicide bomber drove into their convoy in Parwan Province, which is near Bagram airfield.
Ever since President Donald Trump pledged to keep U. S. troops in Afghanistan, the Taliban has in turn pledged to turn the country into a “graveyard” for foreign troops.
“A small number of Resolute Support service members and Afghan civilians were wounded today when a suicide attacker targeted their convoy with a vehicle borne improvised explosive device near the village of Qal’ eh-ye Musa Bala in Parwan Province, ” the statement said .
While the release did not specify the exact number of service members caught up in the incident, U. S. officials told AFP that the total wounded amounted to two U. S. soldiers and three Afghan civilians. The service members’ injuries are not life-threatening, but it’s unclear what will happen to the Afghans.
The Taliban has already claimed responsibility for the attack, which follows on the heels of another suicide bombing, likely in response to a U. S.-dropped propaganda flyer that offended Muslims. The flyer showed a lion chasing after a white dog. The text “There is no God but Allah, and Mohammad is the messenger of Allah” was placed on the dog. Muslims erupted in rage because dogs are seen as unclean animals in Islam.
In this most recent attack, the Taliban inflated the number of wounded in a message to journalists, stating that 24 “invaders” were either injured or killed. The Taliban regularly exaggerates the success of its attacks.
Army Maj. Gen. James Linder, U. S. commander of special operations in Afghanistan, has already apologized for the flyer, calling it an “error.”
“I sincerely apologize, ” Linder said . “We have the deepest respect for Islam and our Muslim partners worldwide.”
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