Home United States USA — Criminal Trump Transgender Ban On Hold Until Feb

Trump Transgender Ban On Hold Until Feb


Transgender troops who are currently serving in the US military will not be evicted from the armed forces at least until February.
Transgender troops that are currently serving in the United States military will continue receiving the medical treatment they need and will not be evicted from the armed forces until at least February.
“Current transgender members will continue to serve throughout the military and continue to receive necessary medical treatment as prescribed by their medical provider,” Pentagon spokesman Col. Rob Manning said Friday, according to the Daily Beast. “Transgender services members whose term of service expires while the interim guidance is in effect may, at the service member’s request, re-enlist under existing procedures.”
Manning indicated that both the secretary of defense and joint chiefs of staff will come together to discuss how Trump’s transgender ban should be interpreted. The policy must be “consistent with military readiness, lethality, deployability and budgetary constraints and applicable law,” Manning said. (RELATED: US Unsure How It Will Implement Trump’s Transgender Troop Ban)
After Trump issued his ban, the American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration, alleging that the ban is discriminatory and violates the constitutional rights of transgenders by treating them unequally. The February decision will determine whether this pending lawsuit will hold any weight.
Transgender troops’ active duty status will remain unchanged until at least Feb. 21,2018, when the Pentagon will consider recommendations made by the panel.
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