Home GRASP/Korea US splits with China, Russia on North Korea solution at UN

US splits with China, Russia on North Korea solution at UN


China and Russia made it clear they were unlikely to support more sanctions.
The United States on Monday flatly rejected a proposal from China and Russia on how to lower tensions on the Korean Peninsula, which is likely to make it difficult for the United Nations Security Council to agree on a response to North Korea’s hydrogen bomb test over the weekend.
U. S. Ambassador to the U. N. Nikki Haley said the U. S. would be circulating a proposed resolution on North Korea this week, and would push for a vote next week.
While it’s not clear what that language will say, both China and Russia made it clear they were unlikely to support more sanctions, and instead played up their joint call for North Korea to stop its military aggression in return for both South Korea and the U. S. to stop their military exercises.
Haley called that idea « insulting. »
« The idea that some have suggested, a so-called freeze for freeze, is insulting,  » she said. « When a rogue regime has a nuclear weapon, and an ICBM pointed at you, you do not take steps to lower your guard.

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