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Country Music’s Latest Star Releases Her First EP — Listen – Hollywood Life


Move over, Maren! Taylor Acorn is hitting the airwaves with her debut EP, ‘Put It In A Song.’ Here, the up and coming young artist answers 5 Key Questions!
Need a catchy, upbeat jam that will have you skipping on your way to work? That’s what I found when I started listening to Taylor Acorn ‘s “Put It In A Song,” the first single off her debut EP of the same title. The singer-songwriter left college after 2 years to pursue her dream of becoming a singer in Nashville, and has been working toward this moment since 2013. “This is everything that I’ve worked so hard on for the past 2 years. Before I even started recording anything, I was writing everything on my own in my bedroom,” Taylor shared with HollywoodLife.com . “These five songs I wrote myself. I’m just excited to see what people say and how they react. I mean, I put, really my whole heart into it.” From her hit love song “Put It In A Song,” to her sassy “Guys Like You,” Taylor shows off her buttery, emotive voice that will be impossible not to love. Not only that, but Taylor’s own lyrics are on par with Taylor Swift ‘s raw honesty and relatability. In an EXCLUSIVE interview with HollywoodLife.com, Taylor revealed her journey to get to where she is today, her inspiration and advice for those who want to break into the industry! Listen to Taylor’s EP here!
1. Was there a certain moment in your life that gave you the confidence to pursue your dreams? How does it show in your writing and your music?
Taylor Acorn: My dad passed away when I was 8 and he was a big writer and I think that’s what kind of sparked my interest in writing. After his passing my family had to pick up and move. We picked up everything and moved all the way across the country to be close to family. With that, I just couldn’t really connect with a lot of the other kids. I had friends, but I think a lot of it was through sports. I think being in those circumstances and then going to college and thinking that was what I was supposed to be doing, then, falling in love and getting your heart broken and leaving all your friends that you made in school — it all inspired and shows in my writing. I was pretty dead set with writing is what I want to do and playing music. It made me so happy and I just couldn’t feel that same happiness that I did when I was at school. I think that was kind of the turning point for me. It look me a few years to muster up the courage to be able to go to Nashville.
2. Who in country music is your biggest inspiration?
Taylor: I really look up to people like Faith Hill, Shania Twain, The Dixie Chicks and a lot of the established country artists. I’m also a big Taylor Swift fan — I feel like that’s every country girl who’s my age. She’s a big role model, especially in the writing scene. I feel like there weren’t many people before her that could write all their feelings and it be okay.
3. When “Put It In A Song” came out and it completely took off, how did you feel? Did you have an “OMG” moment?
Taylor: It was very fast. I wrote that song in my living room and then I recorded it in a little work space and sent it on over to my manager and we went from there. When I finished that song I was just so proud of it. I thought, ‘If this doesn’t do anything, if I don’t get to put out an EP or I don’t get to travel, this is so cool.’ Then, Dallas Davidson is one of the biggest writers in country music and his publishing company reached out to me and said, ‘I really want you to come in and meet with us’ I was literally just blown away. I’m still trying to get used to the fact that I have my own writers group now! I’m overwhelmed and just very grateful and very gracious that they even brought me on board. I’m the only female writer. I’m like what the heck, that’s crazy!
4. Why did you choose “Put It In A Song” as your first single?
Taylor: In college there was a lot of disappointing things that were kind of happening, and then I went to Nashville and things really started to turn around. Then, I was in a relationship and I was just really happy and I really wanted to put out something positive, especially if it’s gonna be my staple or my introduction into country music. I just wanted it to be very positive. I wanted people to listen to it and people be like, ‘Oh my gosh I feel the same way!’ I wanted something that could relate to other people. I wanted to share my heart. Sometimes when I’m listening to it — and I’m my biggest critic — I don’t even think it’s me sometimes. Then I realized this was a song that I would listen to on the radio!
5. Do you have any advice for young girls who dream to move to Nashville and break into the country music scene?
Taylor: My advice would be don’t give up. Don’t ever sell yourself short. Don’t tell yourself you can’t do something because at the end of the day you always can. There’s always going to be somebody out there that’s better than you, but at the end of the day it’s who you are in your heart and what you want to do and how much you want it, which is going to make you successful. Especially in the music industry, anything can happen. I was just thankful for where I was at. I didn’t expect the publishing deal. I didn’t except really anything, but things happen. When you play your cards right, I think that’s when your dreams come true.
HollywoodLifers, you can listen to Taylor’s debut EP on iTunes and Spotify, and get lost in her incredible vocals and make sure you follow her on Instagram and Twitter to keep up with all she’s up to!

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