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WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange And Donald Trump, Jr. Were In Secret Contact During The Election


Donald Trump Jr. and Wikileaks Julian Assange corresponded secretly with Assange making requests of Trump including asking to be American ambassador to Australia.
It was revealed today that Donald Trump Jr. and WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange were in contact through Twitter starting in September 2016 during the presidential election. It was reportedly Assange who first contacted Trump through DM (Direct Message) with a request for cooperation and several tips for winning the election. But instead of ignoring WikiLeaks’ Assange, Donald Trump Jr. responded and seems to have taken at least some of Assange’s suggestions.
It seems that WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange was in touch with some questionable company and at the time he reached out to Donald Trump Jr. At that time, he was hiding out at the Ecuadorian embassy in London to avoid extradition. Assange was wanted in Sweden on rape charges, in London for jumping bail, and there is still an arrest warrant for Assange in the United States.
But a month before the election last year, former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke spoke out in praise of WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange and Donald Trump. David Duke took to Twitter to send a thank you to Assange for leaking emails, and he said he hoped that he would continue to do so through WikiLeaks. He also gave a shout-out to Donald Trump.
And though there is no connection at this time between Donald Trump Jr. and David Duke, the circle is complete that links the Trump campaign, Assange, and David Duke.
The Atlantic broke the story and detailed what WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange was requesting of Donald Trump Jr. in that DM. On September 20,2016, Julian Assange, through the WikiLeaks Twitter account, reached out to Donald Trump Jr.
Half a day later, the oldest Trump child responded, knowing it was WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange.
These messages have now been made public due to the congressional investigation. Lawyers for Donald Trump Jr. have passed along the correspondence between WikiLeaks Julian Assange and Trump. The rest of the conversation between Donald Trump Jr. and Assange was largely one-sided with the WikiLeaks leader fishing for anything he could get from Donald Trump Jr. including Trump’s tax returns, urging the Trump campaign on Election Day to reject the results of the election as rigged, and requesting that the president-elect tell Australia to appoint Julian Assange ambassador to the United States.
Alan Futerfas, an attorney for Donald Trump Jr., said that his client has turned over everything that has been requested of him.
WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange and Donald Trump Jr. continued their correspondence until July 2017, and it largely consisted of Assange trying to get information and favors out of the oldest Trump offspring. In October, Assange asked Donald Trump, Jr. to push a particular story in the “right-wing” media that alleged candidate Hillary Clinton joked about wanting to “drone” Julian Assange. Donald Trump Jr. responded.
WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange also made several suggestions that Donald Trump Jr. didn’t respond to, but in a short period of time, the suggestion was carried out.
These conversations between WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange and Donald Trump Jr. only add to Trump’s issues when it comes to the current investigation he is under for the meeting with Russians at Trump Tower.
What do you think of the correspondence between WikiLeaks Julian Assange and Donald Trump, Jr.? Do you think these DMs are going to get Trump in more trouble?
[Featured Image by Kathy Willens/AP Images]

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