Home GRASP/Korea North Korean ambassador to the U. N. asks U. S. to prove...

North Korean ambassador to the U. N. asks U. S. to prove Pyongyang waged global WannaCry cyberattack


A senior North Korean diplomat has called on the Trump administration to prove that Pyongyang authorized the international WannaCry cyberattack in the wake of Washington officially pointing the finger last week at leader Kim Jong-un’s regime.
A senior North Korean diplomat has called on the Trump administration to prove that Pyongyang authorized the international WannaCry cyberattack in the wake of Washington officially pointing the finger last week at leader Kim Jong-un’s regime.
Pak Song-Il, North Korea ’s United Nations envoy for American affairs, denied responsibility for the WannaCry computer worm and instead accused President Trump’s administration of making a “baseless provocation” used to create an “extremely confrontational atmosphere,” he said in an Associated Press interview Monday evening.
“If they are so sure, show us the evidence,” he told AP.
WannaCry infected computer systems in 150 countries after being unleashed in early May, claiming victims including the U. K. National Health Service and Russia’s central bank, among others.

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