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Let’s Talk About the Gorilla Channel for One More Day


A joking tweet claimed that President Trump had demanded a TV channel devoted to primates. Most got the gag, some didn’t, and it quickly became fodder for political and social commentary.
Depending on how you look at it, the Gorilla Channel Incident is either a sign of the imminent collapse of critical thought and public discourse or the first great meme of 2018.
For those just catching up: On Thursday evening, the cartoonist Ben Ward posted on Twitter what appeared to be a screenshot of an excerpt from “ Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House,” a new book by Michael Wolff .
Even among the various controversial excerpts circulating, which include descriptions of President Trump asking who John A. Boehner, the former House speaker, was, and promising his wife, Melania, that he wouldn’t win the election, this one stood out. It recounted the president supposedly complaining on his first night in the White House that his bedroom television was broken because it didn’t have “the gorilla channel,” which screened only videos about gorillas.
According to the excerpt, aides hurried to cobble together primate documentaries to create a “makeshift gorilla channel.” When Mr. Trump bemoaned the lack of gorilla-on-gorilla fighting, they edited the documentaries to include only footage of the animals hitting one another. The president, the passage said, could watch for up to 17 hours a day.
“Wow, this extract from Wolff’s book is a shocking insight into Trump’s mind,” Mr. Ward wrote in his tweet.
The post exploded. As of Saturday morning, it had been shared more than 24,000 times and liked more than 80,000 times. More than a few prominent Twitter personalities reposted it and appeared to believe it was real.
To be clear: It wasn’t. Mr. Ward, who also spawned the Milkshake Duck meme, changed his Twitter display name to “the gorilla channel thing is a joke,” and Snopes, the fact-checking website, debunked the post.
By the weekend, various news outlets, including Esquire and Vice News, had created their own versions of the gorilla channel. Animal Planet, Netflix and the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund, a conservation group, jumped in on the joke.
But because social media jokes and political discourse are sometimes indistinguishable, in a time when Twitter and the White House have become inextricably linked, the satirical post also became fodder for political and societal commentary.
Fox News pounced on the viral tweet as evidence of how easily “Trump trashers” could be fooled into believing anything negative about the president. Farhad Manjoo, a New York Times columnist, admonished people for sharing fake screenshots, saying “the jokes just don’t work in a partisan-echo-chamber-feed world.”
Jennifer Stromer-Galley, the former president of the Association of Internet Researchers and a professor at Syracuse University, said the gorilla channel meme had spread thanks to people’s willingness to suspend disbelief and their susceptibility to confirmation bias — the same reasons that fake news accounts are able to take hold, she said.
“This is a bit more harmless, but it’s part of a larger challenge,” she said in an interview on Saturday. “It does raise questions for how we try to empower the public to better sort out what’s true from fiction.”
In defense of those who fell for the gorilla channel gag, art — or in this case, Twitter jokes — might imitate life. A 1997 New Yorker profile of Mr. Trump described a scene aboard his jet as he flew to Mar-a-Lago, with Mr. Trump watching the 1988 martial arts film “Bloodsport” and tasking his son Eric with fast-forwarding to the fight scenes.
The gorilla channel tweet is certainly not the first joke post about Mr. Trump to generate partisan debate. A 2015 tweet purporting to show Mr. Trump attacking the rock band Pavement, for example, sent some potential voters into crisis about whether they could support a candidate who didn’t appreciate ’90s-era indie rock.
As for whether the viral reach of Mr. Ward’s tweet is a harbinger of the death of critical thought and democracy, experts offered some solace.
“I think this is just yet another signal that we live in a social media society now,” said Jennifer Grygiel, a professor at Syracuse University’s school of communications. “If there’s a decline in society, there’s probably better examples.”

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