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OnPolitics Today: Sessions with Sessions


Mueller’s probe interviews Sessions: OnPolitics Today
Happy Tuesday, OP fam, and if you’re a federal worker, happy back-to-work-for-at-least-the-next-three-weeks day.
‘Twas a busy day, so let’s get to it, shall we? After all, it’s OnPolitics Today. Subscribe here and let’s go.
Special counsel Robert Mueller’s into Russian meddling in the 2016 election goes on. And now officially mixed up in the business: Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who spent several hours being interviewed by investigators last week. What did they talk about? We don’t know. Why is this a big deal? Well, the attorney general is the first known Trump cabinet official to be interviewed by Mueller’s team.
We can’t imagine President Trump is too pleased about it, though, given that he has repeatedly attacked Sessions for recusing himself from the Russia inquiry (because Trump believes the recusal led to Mueller’s appointment).
Also: One top FBI official believes the Russia probe is one for the history books .
In an attempt to avert a government shutdown, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer made a rather significant overture last week: He offered President Trump money to build a wall along the U. S.-Mexican border. Obviously, this didn’t work. Trump said no and the government went on to close for three days.
So, will that offer come up in future immigration talks? Nope, Schumer said Tuesday.
« It was the first thing the president and I talked about, » the New York Democrat said Tuesday. « The thought was we could come to an agreement that afternoon, the president would announce his support, and then the Senate and the House would get it done and it would be on the president’s desk. He didn’t do that, so we’re going to have to start on a new basis. »
In other shutdown-related news: The president trumpeted the short-term spending deal as a win, and senators say a provision in the deal allows the White House to direct intelligence agencies to take covert action — without congressional approval .
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