Home United States USA — Criminal Report: Mueller Spoke to Trump’s Lawyers About Interviewing Him in Russia Probe

Report: Mueller Spoke to Trump’s Lawyers About Interviewing Him in Russia Probe


Robert Mueller has reportedly spoken to Donald Trump’s legal team about interviewing the president as part of his Russia investigation.
Robert Mueller / Getty Images
BY: Paul Crookston Follow
@P_Crookston January 8,2018 6:49 pm
Special counsel Robert Mueller has reportedly spoken to President Donald Trump’s legal team about interviewing the president as part of his investigation into Russian involvement in the 2016 election.
Mueller raised the prospect of interviewing Trump in December, causing the president’s attorneys to discuss how to limit the parameters of the session, the Washington Post reports. Mueller and his deputy James Quarles had a discussion with Trump’s lawyers John Dowd and Jay Sekulow, and a person close to the president told the Post that Trump could be interviewed « very soon. »
« This is moving faster than anyone really realizes, » the source said.
An interview coming soon would likely need to be sharply limited in scope. Dowd and Sekulow declined to comment, but Ty Cobb, the White House lawyer dealing with the Mueller investigation, said they are cooperating with the office of the special counsel (OSC).
« The White House does not comment on communications with the OSC out of respect for the OSC and its process, » Cobb said in a statement.
« The White House is continuing its full cooperation with the OSC in order to facilitate the earliest possible resolution, » Cobb added.
Cobb also expressed his confidence that parts of this investigation related to the president will wrap up soon.
One source said that Trump’s legal team will meet with Mueller soon to determine the « terms and substance of the interview. » They are also prepared to discuss the investigation’s timeline.
Trump’s lawyers reportedly hope to learn exactly what categories of questions Trump would face. NBC News also reported that Trump’s legal team was internally discussing how to handle Mueller requesting an interview with Trump.
Trump himself has not publicly resisted being interviewed, saying Saturday he has nothing to hide.
« We could have been very closed, and it would have taken years, » Trump said about the Mueller probe. « But you know, sort of like when you’ve done nothing wrong, let’s be open and get it over with. »
« Because, honestly, it’s very, very bad for our country, » he added. « It’s making our country look foolish, and this is a country that I don’t want looking foolish. And it’s not going to look foolish as long as I’m here. »
Paul Crookston Email Paul| Full Bio| RSS Paul Crookston is a media analyst with the Washington Free Beacon. He was previously a Collegiate Network fellow at National Review. A 2016 graduate of Gordon College in Wenham, Mass., he served as the managing editor of the Tartan campus newspaper. He is originally from Tampa, Fla., but he still roots for Dad’s Ohio teams. His Twitter handle is @P_Crookston. He can be reached at crookston@freebeacon.com.

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