Home GRASP/Japan Trump admin approves $133 million anti-ballistic missile sale to Japan

Trump admin approves $133 million anti-ballistic missile sale to Japan


The Trump administration notified Congress on Tuesday that it has approved the potential sale of SM-3 anti-ballistic missiles to Japan in a deal estimated to be worth $133.3 million, according to a State Department statement.
« If concluded, this proposed sale will contribute to the foreign policy and national security interests of the United States by enhancing Japan’s Maritime Self Defense Force’s … ability to defend Japan and the Western Pacific from ballistic missile threats, » the official said.
The sale would also « follow through on President (Donald) Trump’s commitment to provide additional defensive capabilities to treaty allies » threatened by North Korea’s « provocative behavior, » the official added.
Throughout 2017, North Korea has conducted a series of ballistic missile tests despite constant criticism from the West and trade sanctions.
The most provocative moment came November 29, when North Korea said it successfully tested a new type of intercontinental ballistic missile, topped with a « super-large heavy warhead » which it said was capable of striking the US mainland .
Last month, Japan’s cabinet approved a plan to buy two US-built Aegis missile defense systems, state broadcaster NHK reported, as the country faces increasing hostility from neighboring North Korea.

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