Home United States USA — Art Heavy snowfall brings 'dibs' back to Chicago streets

Heavy snowfall brings 'dibs' back to Chicago streets


Friday's snow totals means that a time-honored Chicago tradition is in effect – claiming "dibs" on street parking.
Friday’s snow totals means that a time-honored Chicago tradition is in effect – claiming « dibs » on street parking. Whether it’s a shovel, broom, or snow brush, digging out a car on a Chicago side street is a lot of work. So when the job’s done, residents mark their territory to ensure the spot will be waiting when they return. »Growing up it’s the unspoken rule, » said Chicago resident Asad Desai. « You need to add some object to your territory. »Those object can be anything from cones, folding chairs, plastic chairs, buckets and crates – and those are conservative options. »I don’t think it’s a right or wrong thing to do, it’s just the thing that happens, » said Chicago resident Chuck Rowe. « Everybody does it. »The universal nature of the tradition is why city leaders often condone the practice. »If someone spends all that time digging out a spot, do not drive into that spot, » said former mayor Richard M. Daley in 2001. One of Daley’s quotes on the subject and « dibs » chairs are part of a « dibs » display in the lobby of Chicago advertising agency, Havas. »We asked a lot of great Chicago artists to make their dibs chairs that we’ll auction off for charity, raise money for the Lincoln Park Community Shelter, » said Paul Hirsch of Havas Chicago. The « dibs » chair is such a deep-rooted Chicago tradition that Siobhan Lesniak had one tattooed on her leg. »I always get a kick out of dibs every winter, and what kind of ridiculous stuff people pull out of garages and basements to save spots, » Lesniak said. « To me, the chair is classic. »

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