Home GRASP/Japan Police in Japan Have Found a Severed Head Inside an American Tourist's...

Police in Japan Have Found a Severed Head Inside an American Tourist's Rental Apartment


The man was arrested last week on suspicion of « confining a woman »
Police in Osaka have discovered a suitcase containing a Japanese woman’s severed head inside an apartment rented by an American citizen.
New York resident Yevgeniy Vasilievich Bayraktar, 26, was already in police custody on suspicion of “confining” a missing 27-year-old woman when police found the head, Japan’s Asahi Shimbun reports .
He initially denied responsibility for the woman’s death but later told police that he had disposed of her body. Based on information supplied by Bayraktar, police recovered severed arms, legs, and a torso in a mountainous area near Osaka, Japan’s Kyodo news agency reports.
Two days before she was reported missing, the woman, who has not been named by Japanese media, had reportedly told friends she was going to visit an American she had met online.

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