Home GRASP/China Dow Drops 724 Points Amid Fears Of A U. S. Trade War...

Dow Drops 724 Points Amid Fears Of A U. S. Trade War With China


Worries about a possible trade war helped send stock prices down sharply Thursday, with the Dow Jones industrial average losing nearly 3 percent of its
Worries about a possible trade war helped send stock prices down sharply Thursday, with the Dow Jones industrial average losing nearly 3 percent of its value.
The Dow finished at 23,598, a decline of 724 points. The drop left both the Dow and the Standard and Poor’s 500 index in negative territory for the year.
The plunge in prices came on the same day that President Trump was announcing tens of billions of dollars in tariffs on Chinese imports. Beijing has threatened to retaliate with tariffs of its own.

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