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New Star Control: Origins trailer shows off ward species and new Fleet Battles footage


While development continues on the resurrected franchise, new footage for Star Control: Origins provides some face time with the Tywom leader plus as a look at both the Mu’Kay and Menkmack races.
Star Control: Origins is moving along its development phase with an anticipated release in summer, with pre-orders having opened up late last year. Those that have already pre-ordered have had the opportunity to get their hands on the Fleet Battles beta which included a ship crafting system letting gamers design their own space vessels.
A new trailer has been released that includes an introduction to the leader of the Tywom, providing an opportunity to learn about the games various races and a taste of what situation the player can expect to find themselves when they fire up the game. The clip also includes a glimpse of the seemingly squid-inspired Mu’Kay, and the long-necked Menkmack race. Also, if you’ve not already pre-ordered the game, the video provides another look at Fleet Battles and a look at some planetary exploration.
Star Control: Origins currently costs $34.99 on Steam and GOG but can be pre-ordered for a 10% discount at the Stardock store, bringing the price down to $31.49 for a Steam key. If you’re interested in picking up the game, you may want to do so sooner rather than later as the Steam listing advises that « this price will increase as new features are added ».
Disclaimer: Neowin’s relationship to Stardock .

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