May the fourth marks a special day for film fans – Star Wars Day. Zoos in the US and UK have shared photos of their animals celebrating the occasion.
May the fourth marks a special day for film fans – Star Wars Day. Zoos in the US and UK have shared photos of their animals celebrating the occasion.
Manatee twins Millennium and Falcon at Columbus Zoo enjoyed the festivities.
Luke the Lion was given a bloodsicle lightsaber to fight the dark side with.
Edinburgh Zoo also got in on the frozen snack idea by creating an ice millennium falcon and lightsabers.
Cincinnati Zoo somehow persuaded one of its otters to hold a lightsaber.
Los Angeles Zoo shared this adorable photo of a chimp looking quite like Yoda.
Chewy and Vader the bush dogs showed their appreciation for Star Wars Day with a family photo.
Who knew so many zoo animals were named after Star Wars characters?
It was a busy day for social media managers of zoo accounts across the galaxy, but Yorkshire Wildlife Park was having none of it.
May the fourth be with you all, and these lovely animals.