Home GRASP/Korea Is North Korea already balking at denuclearization?

Is North Korea already balking at denuclearization?


There are several reports that North Korea is continuing its missile- and nuclear-development program.
It appears that North Korea has, at least until recently, been conducting activities that contribute to the development of its nuclear and missile programs.
However, with no agreements yet in place, such activities do not necessarily signal unwillingness to reverse course in exchange for trade-offs from the United States. Signs will emerge in the coming negotiations between Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and his North Korean counterpart that will show whether Pyongyang is truly committed to denuclearization — namely, through the disclosure of sites and clearer public statements by North Korea.
According to recently released satellite imagery acquired by the Middlebury Institute for International Studies, North Korea appears to have expanded one of its missile manufacturing plants, the Chemical Material Institute located in the city of Hamhung, between April and June.
The plant produces solid-fueled ballistic missiles and warhead re-entry vehicles, both of which are essential components in North Korea’s development of a credible nuclear deterrent. The imagery, released July 2, shows the construction of several new buildings on the site, which North Korean leader Kim Jong Un visited in August 2017 to review expansion activities. It also revealed construction at two facilities nearby; a new entry road was built at one and demolition work was completed at the other.
At the historic June 12 summit between Kim and U. S. President Donald Trump, Washington and Pyongyang agreed to cooperate toward the eventual goal of ensuring the total denuclearization of North Korea. But they didn’t establish any formal details or agreements.

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