Juanita Broaddrick, who accused Bill Clinton of raping her in 1978 while he was running for governor of Arkansas, says she will testify before the…
Juanita Broaddrick, who accused Bill Clinton of raping her in 1978 while he was running for governor of Arkansas, says she will testify before the U. S. Senate if Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser will not.
“Just a thought…… If Christine Ford declines to be interviewed Monday…. I’m available to answer questions about my Rape by Bill Clinton,” Broaddrick tweeted this week in the midst of the sexual misconduct allegations which have plagued the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh.
Just a thought…… If Christine Ford declines to be interviewed Monday…. I’m available to answer questions about my Rape by Bill Clinton.
— Juanita Broaddrick (@atensnut) September 20,2018
Christine Blasey Ford accused Kavanaugh of sexual assault over 36 years ago when they were both teenagers. The Senate Judiciary Committee is currently in tense negotiations, attempting to secure testimony from Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.
Broaddrick claimed that Clinton raped her, but has never received a public hearing or trial over her experience. According to Broaddrick’s retelling of the encounter to The Washington Post:
Arriving later in the lobby, he called and asked if they could have coffee in her room instead because there were too many reporters in the lobby, Broaddrick said. “Stupid me, I ordered coffee to the room,” she said. “I thought we were going to talk about the campaign.”
As she tells the story, they spent only a few minutes chatting by the window — Clinton pointed to an old jail he wanted to renovate if he became governor — before he began kissing her. She resisted his advances, she said, but soon he pulled her back onto the bed and forcibly had sex with her. She said she did not scream because everything happened so quickly. Her upper lip was bruised and swollen after the encounter because, she said, he had grabbed onto it with his mouth.
“The last thing he said to me was, ‘You better get some ice for that.’ And he put on his sunglasses and walked out the door,” she recalled.
Broaddrick also tweeted, calling Dianne Feinstein a “hypocrite” for not listening to her accounts with Bill Clinton when she went public as a victim in 1999 during Bill Clinton’s impeachment.
I had first hand knowledge, along with 5 witnesses – 8 YEARS later in 1999. YOU @SenFeinstein refused to read the evidence in my record. You are such a hypocrite! https://t.co/RoqIvaOLEg
— Juanita Broaddrick (@atensnut) September 21,2018