Home GRASP/Korea Adam Schiff Accuses GOP Congressman Of Racist Remark Against Korean Opponent, But...

Adam Schiff Accuses GOP Congressman Of Racist Remark Against Korean Opponent, But Missed Important Fact


Idiot. But Adam Schiff is one of the worst liars in Congress. Via Daily Caller: New Jersey Republican Rep. Tom MacArthur…
Idiot. But Adam Schiff is one of the worst liars in Congress.
Via Daily Caller:
New Jersey Republican Rep. Tom MacArthur said California Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff “won’t even get on the phone” with him after Schiff accused MacArthur of calling his Korean-American opponent “not one of us.”
MacArthur has two children adopted from South Korea.
“Adam Schiff thinks he’ll get power by stoking fear, division and anger in this country,” MacArthur told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

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