Home GRASP/China Chinese Envoy Says US Charge of Election Interference 'Groundless'

Chinese Envoy Says US Charge of Election Interference 'Groundless'


Ambassador Cui Tiankai tells Fox TV that non-interference in others’ international affairs is fundamental
China’s ambassador to the U. S. says many accusations the Trump administration has made against Beijing are « groundless », including election interference.
« One of the fundamental principles in China’s foreign policy is non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries, » Ambassador Cui Tiankai told Fox television Sunday. « We have been consistent in this position. We have a very good track record. »
Without presenting any tangible evidence of Chinese election interference, the White House has accused China of trying to turn voters away from the Republicans in next month’s election.
It also calls the China Daily insert in many U. S. newspapers propaganda.
Cui called the newspaper section a page out of the U. S. media playbook — buying commercial pages in newspapers to make one’s views known.
He also denied the U. S. and China are involved in a trade war, despite the tit-for-tat exchanges of huge tariffs on each other exports.

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