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Limo In New York Crash That Killed Twenty Had ‘No Business’ Being On The Road


The 17-year-old limo that caused the death of 20 people in Schoharie, New York, Saturday had “no business” being on the road because…
The 17-year-old limo that caused the death of 20 people in Schoharie, New York, Saturday had “no business” being on the road because of a failed inspection and other factors, Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Monday.
The 2001 Ford Excursion limo had failed a vehicle inspection in September, and the unnamed driver did not have the proper license, Cuomo said according to NBC News. The driver, who was one of 18 people in the limo who died, did not have the required commercial driver’s license with a passenger endorsement.
“The owner of the company had no business putting a failed vehicle on the road,” Cuomo said according to NBC News.
New York is seeking a cease and desist against the limo operator, Prestige Limo, for the duration of the investigation into the accident, reported NEWS10 .
All 17 limo passengers, the limo driver and two pedestrians died in the crash in the early afternoon Saturday. The 2001 Ford Excursion limo failed to stop at an intersection and struck an SUV and two people in the parking lot of Apple Barrel Country Store and Cafe in Schoharie, reported CNN.
The particular intersection near the country store has been difficult for big trucks to navigate in the past.
“We have had [three] tractor trailer type trucks run through the stop through our driveway and into a field behind the business,” store manager Jessica Kirby said according to the Associated Press . “All of these occurred during business hours and could’ve killed someone then.”
Investigators have not revealed the exact cause of the crash, reported The New York Times. The National Transportation Safety Board has been investigating the crash since Sunday and expects to remain until Thursday or Friday, reported CNN. (RELATED: Here’s What We Know About The Horrific Limo Accident That Took 20 Lives Saturday)
The 17 passengers were a group of friends gathering to celebrate the 30th birthday of Amy Steenburg, who had married husband Axel Steenburg in the summer of 2018. They were headed to a brewery in Cooperstown, New York, and rented the limo so that nobody would drink and drive.
A memorial is planned for Monday night in Amsterdam, New York, where many of the victims resided, according to the Associated Press .
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