THE PRESIDENT: Okay, well, thank you very much everyone. Before we begin, I’ll just say that we’re very well prepared for the incoming…
THE PRESIDENT: Okay, well, thank you very much everyone. Before we begin, I’ll just say that we’re very well prepared for the incoming hurricane. We have another coming. So we’ve done very well — North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico –so many places.
And we have another one coming, and a big one — much bigger than they anticipated a week ago, seven days ago. I heard, for the first time, there was a very small drop of weather that looked like it was forming. And now, it’s pretty close to a Category 3, if it’s not already a Category 3.
So we are very well prepared. FEMA is ready. We’re all ready. I spoke with Governor Scott, spoke to everybody that you have to speak to. And I think that hopefully we’ll get lucky, but maybe that won’t happen. But we’re prepared.
I wanted to do this because Nikki Haley, Ambassador to the United Nations, has been very special to me. She’s done an incredible job. She’s a fantastic person, very importantly — but she also is somebody that gets it. She has been at the United Nations from the beginning with us — right from the beginning — and worked with us on the campaign. It’s been really a long time — very intense.
And she told me — probably six months ago, she said, « You know, maybe at the end of the year — at the end of a two-year period, but the end of the year — I want to take a little time off. I want to take a little break. »
She’s been a very successful, as you know, governor of South Carolina for eight years. And then she did this, and this is possibly even more intense —
THE PRESIDENT: — with what’s going on in the world, and very dangerous, and a lot of things.
But she’s done a fantastic job, and we’ve done a fantastic job together. We’ve solved a lot of problems, and we’re in the process of solving a lot of problems. At the beginning, North Korea was a massive problem, and now we’re moving along. It’s moving along really nicely.
I can speak for Secretary of State Mike Pompeo — he thinks the world of Nikki. And so we’re all — we’re all happy for you, in one way, but we hate to — you’ll — hopefully, you’ll be coming back at some point.
THE PRESIDENT: But you want to just — in maybe a different capacity. You can have your pick.
But I just wanted to let you know — so at the end of the year, Nikki will be leaving. And we’ll be in constant touch, I know that. Whenever you have any ideas, you’re going to call me —
THE PRESIDENT: — because you know all the players.
And that was really the thing I think she did best at the United Nations; she got to know the players. She got to know China, Russia, India. She knows everybody on a very first-name basis. And they like her — except for maybe a couple, which is normal, right?
THE PRESIDENT: They can’t all like you. But they do; they really like her. And I think, maybe more importantly, they respect her.
So, Nikki, I just wanted to tell you that we will miss you. We’ll be speaking all the time, but we will miss you nevertheless. And you have done a fantastic job. And I want to thank you very much.
AMBASSADOR HALEY: Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you.
Well, I want to say — first of all, I want to thank the President for just, you know, allowing us to come out and talk to you this way. It has been an honor of a lifetime. You know, I said I am such a lucky girl to have been able to lead the state that raised me, and to serve a country I love so very much. It has really been a blessing, and I want to thank you for that.
But I’m most excited — look at the two years. Look at what has happened in two years with the United States on foreign policy. Now, the United States is respected. Countries may not like what we do, but they respect what we do. They know that if we say we’re going to do something, we follow it through. And the President proved that — whether it was with the chemical weapons in Syria; whether it’s with NATO — saying that other countries have to pay their share; I mean, whether it’s the trade deals, which has been amazing. They get that the President means business, and they follow through with that.
But then if you look at just these two years at the U. N., we cut $1.3 billion in the U. N.’s budget. We’ve made it stronger. We’ve made it more efficient.
South Sudan — we got an arms embargo, which was a long time coming.
Three North Korean sanctions packages, which were the largest in a generation, done in a way that we could really work towards denuclearizing North Korea.
The Iran deal — bringing attention to the world that every country needs to understand you can’t overlook all of the bad things they’re doing; you have to see them for the threat that they are.
I think you look at the anti-Israel bias, and the strength and courage that the President showed in moving the embassy, and showing the rest of the world we will put our embassy where we want to put our embassy.
You know, all of those things have made a huge difference in the U. S. standing. But I can tell you that it’s — the U. S. is strong again. And the U. S. is strong in a way that should make all Americans very proud.
And I do want to say that it’s not just the President I want to thank. The family in general — the First Lady has been nothing but very, very kind to me.
I can’t say enough good things about Jared and Ivanka. Jared is such a hidden genius that no one understands. I mean, to re-do the NAFTA deal the way he did. What I’ve done working with him on the Middle East Peace Plan — it is so unbelievably well done.
And Ivanka has been just a great friend. And they do a lot of things behind the scenes that I wish more people knew about because we’re a better country because they’re in this administration.
I also just have to say, certainly, thank you to my family. Michael is a saint. And my two little ones, I adore them.
And to Team U. S.-U. N. You know, they sacrificed a lot. They put a lot of time and energy into it. But they have a lot of heart, and really wanted to make America proud.
And so, with that, I’m not leaving until the end of the year. My goal is that we make sure that everything is in good place, and — for the next ambassador to come in. But it’s a great day in the United States. And I’m proud to have been part of a team.
Now, I don’t have anything set on where I’m going to go. I think that the main thing was — I was Governor for six years, and we dealt with the Hurricane, a thousand-year flood, a church shooting, a school shooting. There was a lot. And then, to come in and do two years of Russia and Iran and North Korea — it’s been eight years of intense time, and I’m a believer in term limits.
I think you have to be selfless enough to know when you step aside and allow someone else to do the job. So, thank you, Mr. President —
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, Nikki. I’m so proud of you.
AMBASSADOR HALEY: — it’s been an honor of a lifetime. And I will say this: For all of you that are going to ask about 2020; no, I’m not running for 2020. I can promise you what I’ll be doing is campaigning for this one. So, I look forward to supporting the President in the next election.
THE PRESIDENT: That’s so good. Thank you, Nikki.
Q Ambassador Haley, you list a long list of accomplishments. Why would you want to leave that all behind? Is it really a personal decision because you’ve been away from your family for so long? Or is it something else, too?
AMBASSADOR HALEY: My family is very supportive. So, no, there’s no personal reasons. I think that it’s just very important for government officials to understand when it’s time to step aside. And I have given everything I’ve got these last eight years. And I do think that sometimes it’s good to rotate in other people who can put that same energy and power into it.
So there really is — a lot of people are going to want to say there’s a lot of reasons why I’m leaving. The truth is I want to make sure that this administration, the President, has the strongest person to fight. It was a blessing to go into the U. N. with body armor every day and defend America. And I’ll always do that; I’ll never truly step aside from fighting for our country. But I will tell you that I think it’s time.
Q Then, Mr. President, why make the announcement now as opposed to after the midterms?
THE PRESIDENT: Well, Nikki’s going to be staying until of the — until the end of the year, which will be just about two years. And I just think — and I was just — as Nikki was speaking, I was thinking, when we came into office, it was almost inevitable in the minds of many that we were going to war with North Korea. If you ask President Obama, I’m sure he’ll tell you that was by far his biggest problem when we sat in that — right here. But that looked like a real problem.
Iran looked like a real problem. It was a question of when would they take over the Middle East, prior to my coming here. And now, Iran is fighting for their lives. They’ve got riots in all their cities. It’s blowing up. Their inflation, their economy is in tatters. And at some point, they’ll probably come and want to make a real deal, not the deal that they made — the ridiculous deal that they made that was unacceptable to me.
And so we’ll see what happens. But what a difference between Iran, when we first came — I’d like to say the day before we came. And also, if you look at North Korea. I mean, there was a deal that — it was something that was — it was a devastating — potentially devastating problem. And now, the relationships are very good.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo just left. Had a great meeting — also was in China. Also spoke to many of the Asian leaders, or went there and had some good meetings. But had a really very good meeting with North Korea and Chairman Kim. And we’ve just made a lot of progress on so many other fronts, also.
And I think the world — as Nikki said, the world is really respecting the United States again, much more so they have — than they have in many, many decades. We are respected again, that I can tell you. Very much respected again.
And people want to be on our side. Even if you look at the votes in the United Nations. I mean, votes that we would normally get no votes, we’re getting very strong votes now.
So, I just want to thank Nikki. And I thought this would be an appropriate way of doing it. Because when you write it out on a piece of paper that, you know, « Ambassador Haley will be leaving, » and you say nice things, people say, « Well, what’s going on? » This is the right way to do it.