Microsoft’s Windows 10 October 2018 Update brings with it the first Modern Windows Driver for PCs by Intel. It’s a sharp break, as there’s no going back to the « legacy » driver model without a support call.
Intel has published its first Modern Windows Driver for several of its modern integrated GPUs, representing a new way for graphics drivers to be pushed to your PC—and something to keep an eye on until the new driver infrastructure settles in.
Modern Windows Drivers, also known as Universal Windows Drivers, are a new feature of the Windows 10 October 2018 Update that takes advantage of the UWP infrastructure within Windows 10. As Microsoft explains it, a Modern Windows Driver is a “single driver package that runs across multiple different device types, from embedded systems to tablets and desktop PCs.” The first Intel driver to take advantage of this is labeled UWD 25.
United States
USA — software Intel publishes its first Modern Windows Driver for PCs, and there's no...