Home GRASP/Korea Chris Wallace: Why A New Summit With North Korea Since They Aren't...

Chris Wallace: Why A New Summit With North Korea Since They Aren't 'Denuclearizing'?


Mike Pence couldn’t explain why he thought NOKO wasn’t denuclearizing and Trump said they were.
Fox News Sunday’s Chris Wallace asked the vice president to explain why there’s a second summit being convened with North Korea when Trump said we’ve made « tremendous progress with North Korea » and Pence himself said they haven’t taken any « concrete steps » to denuclearize.
He couldn’t.
Like all Trump surrogates, Vice President Mike Pence gave half answers, untruths, refused to answer directly and shucked and jived his way through most of his interview with FNS’ Chris Wallace.
But on the point on North Korea denuclearizing, he looked particularly foolish.
Wallace asked, « President Trump has just announced another summit meeting with Kim Jong-un of North Korea for late next month. This week, the president said we have made, quote, tremendous progress with North Korea. On the other hand, on Wednesday, you said we are still waiting for them to make, your words, concrete steps.

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