Home United States USA — Political Farage Backs Trump’s Wall: ‘I Wish Europe Had Done This Years Ago’

Farage Backs Trump’s Wall: ‘I Wish Europe Had Done This Years Ago’


The U. S. government is currently experiencing a shutdown as Congress refuses to release funding for a physical barrier, with President Trump using a televised…
The U. S. government is currently experiencing a shutdown as Congress refuses to release funding for a physical barrier, with President Trump using a televised address to make the case for serious border security so American citizens are no longer “horribly victimised” by the drug-traffickers, cartel members, and convicted killers who are taking advantage of the porous frontier with Mexico.
“The primary duty of any government is to look after the integrity of the nation an to protect its own citizens,” Farage agreed in a Fox News interview .
“In Europe, we kind of surrendered that principle… we had an area of complete Free Movement without anybody being checked, and we also allowed anybody that came in across the Mediterranean and set foot on European soil to claim they were a refugee,” he recalled.

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