Home United States USA — Political REP. BIGGS: It’s Time For The President To Declare A National Emergency...

REP. BIGGS: It’s Time For The President To Declare A National Emergency On The Border


In this time of stasis in Congress and a national security crisis at the border, the president should strongly consider declaring a national emergency on…
In this time of stasis in Congress and a national security crisis at the border, the president should strongly consider declaring a national emergency on the border and temporarily diverting a small fraction of the national budget to build the border wall. The invasion of illegal aliens has reached the point of a national security threat. Failure to recognize the gravity of the issue is willful submission to cognitive dissonance.
The border is wide open, and hundreds of thousands are entering the country illegally. On average we are interdicting more than 10 people every day who are known or suspected terrorists. While not all illegal aliens commit violent crimes against Americans, there are still dangerous gang members and other malevolent intentioned people who are pouring into America.
At the same time, Congress, under Republicans and Democrats, have failed to address the border wall issue. Republican leaders assigned my bill to build a border wall and pay for it through taxing remittances to Mexico and other foreign nations, reducing foreign aid to nations, and increasing fees for international visitors to the U. S., was assigned to seven committees. That is a process designed to kill the bill.
The Senate is stymied because members do not want to change their unconstitutional 60-vote rule, thereby allowing Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and a minority of Democrats to control this issue.
Once the wall is begun and completed, the funding used under the auspices of the national emergency would be repaid, hopefully by implementing the funding approach of my border wall bill.
The main argument against the president taking this action is that future presidents might try to use this contingency to declare an emergency over climate change or other divisive issues as a shortcut around Congress.

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