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Jussie Smollett deserves punishment for hate crime hoax, but he also deserves compassion


Everyone is mad at Jussie Smollett right now: Progressives, many of whom fiercely expressed sympathy and support for Smollett shortly after his attack only to…
Everyone is mad at Jussie Smollett right now: Progressives, many of whom fiercely expressed sympathy and support for Smollett shortly after his attack only to be embarrassed by these latest revelations. Conservatives, who are tired of hate crime hoaxes that invariably make conservatives look bad. And, especially, supporters of President Donald Trump — many of whom were slandered and reviled for their tenuous association with the apparently fake « attack. » Most people don’t like this man; many openly hate him.
Here’s an alternative: Consider feeling sorry for Jussie Smollett.
Several weeks ago the actor — who is both black and gay — was reportedly attacked as part of a brutal, bigoted hate crime perpetrated by supporters of Donald Trump. Now it appears that he fabricated the entire thing, reportedly as a way to advance his career and increase his salary on the hit television show « Empire. » That plan backfired spectacularly: Smollett was written out of the show’s final two episodes this season, and it’s in doubt whether he’ll return to the show at all.
Read more commentary:
Hate crime hoaxes, like Smollett’s alleged attack, are more common than you think
Smollett’s alleged plan to manufacture outrage diminishes impact of real hate crime
Jussie Smollett crying wolf helps no one: Readers sound off
Such are the wages of greed. Reports from the Associated Press and other news organizations suggest Smollett was being paid $65,000 to $100,000 per episode — not anywhere near the top level of television salaries, but a staggering sum nonetheless.

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