Home GRASP/China Pompeo visit to focus on U. S. concerns over Huawei in central...

Pompeo visit to focus on U. S. concerns over Huawei in central Europe


U. S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will voice concerns about the growing presence of China
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U. S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will voice concerns about the growing presence of China’s Huawei Technologies in central Europe when he visits Hungary, Slovakia and Poland next week, a senior U. S. official said on Friday as Washington tries to bolster ties with a region it acknowledges it has neglected.
Pompeo’s visit will be the first by a U. S. secretary of State to Slovakia in two decades, while the last top American diplomat to travel to Hungary was Hillary Clinton in 2011.
In Hungary and Slovakia, Pompeo will also discuss ways to bolster security relationships with both countries, including clinching deals on defense cooperation, a senior administration official said in a briefing to reporters about the trip.
Pompeo will travel to Warsaw from Feb.

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