Home United States USA — Financial Vatican Hopes Meeting on Child Sex Abuse Will Be a Turning Point

Vatican Hopes Meeting on Child Sex Abuse Will Be a Turning Point


Church leaders spoke of demanding accountability and transparency, but there have been similar calls in the past and change has been slow.
VATICAN CITY — In the decades since the crisis of clerical sexual abuse of children first exploded, the Roman Catholic church has struggled to resolve a scourge that has eroded its credibility, driven away the faithful and stained its priests, bishops, cardinals and popes.
On Monday, as the Vatican prepared for a meeting that will include Pope Francis and the presidents of the world’s bishops conferences, the church was still looking for a way forward.
“My hope is that people see this as a turning point,” Cardinal Blase Cupich, the archbishop of Chicago, said at a Vatican news conference. He said he hoped the meeting, titled “The Protection of Minors in the Church,” would be a “rallying moment” to make sure all the bishops were on the same page.
The four-day meeting, which begins on Thursday, will bring together 190 participants, including 114 presidents of bishops’ conferences or their delegates, representatives from 14 Eastern churches in communion with Rome, female and male leaders of religious orders and the chiefs of several Vatican congregations.
Victims of sexual abuse will speak of their experiences during evening prayers but will not otherwise address the meeting. About a dozen survivors will meet with the meeting’s organizers on Wednesday, abuse survivors said.
At the news conference, the prelates tasked by the pope with organizing the meeting spoke of the need to hold bishops accountable for addressing the problem, and stated that homosexuality was not a cause of the abuse of minors by priests.
They also stressed another theme of the conference, the need for greater transparency. In an effort to soften its reputation as secretive and hostile to the press, the Vatican’s website for the closed-door event will live-stream parts of the meeting and report on the content of others.
Archbishop Charles Scicluna of Malta, the Vatican’s chief sex crimes investigator, thanked the media for its investigative stories that have “bought this topic to where it should belong.” Asked at the news conference about the culture of secrecy that has allowed known molesters to remain in the church for decades without their parishioners’ knowledge, he said that “silence is a no-go,” whether that means “criminal or malicious complicity and a code of a silence or whether it’s denial.

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