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No one should be surprised by the Mueller Report


Glad it was done.
No one with any hint of objectivity should be surprised by the summary of the Mueller Report looking into what exactly happened during the 2016 election. The report found no coordination between the Trump campaign and the Russian government – despite offers from Russian individuals – while also noting the Kremlin did attempt to influence the election through social media campaigns. A lot of this information we already knew based on testimony before Congress by social media heads along with statements made by the Justice Department and Department of Homeland Security in 2016.
Jazz wondered why the special counsel was even ordered – given how drawn out the probe went – but the investigation was more than likely worth it. Anyone with a hint of knowledge into law enforcement investigations knows probes do not get wrapped up in 60-minute intervals – despite what television and movies tend to portray. The Warren Commission into JFK’s assassination took about a year to finish, but the FBI probe into Watergate took around two. Ken Starr probed the Clinton White House for four years – although the Monica Lewinsky part moved pretty quickly due to Linda Tripp’s tapes. The FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email server technically started in 2015, but it’s important to remember the State Department had been probing the issue since 2014 – not to mention the congressional investigation into Benghazi. Complicated investigations tend to take time, although the cynic in me thinks a lot of this happens because pencil pushers are trying to prove their worth to their bosses, so it should not be surprising Mueller took two years.

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