Home United States USA — IT Facebook "unintentionally" uploaded 1.5m user email contacts

Facebook "unintentionally" uploaded 1.5m user email contacts


Latest gaff from the social network is a glitch that began in May 2016
Facebook has said it « unintentionally » uploaded the email contacts of more than 1.5 million users without asking for their permission.
This latest data harvesting gaff happened via a system used to verify the identity of new members. In 2016, Facebook asked new users to supply the password for their email account, and took a copy of their contacts. The social network said it has now changed the way it handles new users to stop contacts being uploaded.
« We estimate that up to 1.5 million people’s email contacts may have been uploaded. These contacts were not shared with anyone and we are deleting them, » Facebook told Reuters, adding that users whose contacts were imported will be notified.

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