Home United States USA — Criminal U. N. rights expert: WikiLeaks' Assange suffering 'psychological torture'

U. N. rights expert: WikiLeaks' Assange suffering 'psychological torture'


LONDON – A lawyer for Julian Assange said this week that the WikiLeaks founder was too sick to appear by video link for a court hearing…
LONDON – A lawyer for Julian Assange said this week that the WikiLeaks founder was too sick to appear by video link for a court hearing related to a case that could see him extradited to the United States over computer hacking and espionage charges.
Assange’s defense lawyer Gareth Peirce confirmed Thursday that the Australian national’s health has deteriorated over the seven weeks that he has been held in Britain’s Belmarsh prison, where he is serving a 50-week sentence for skipping bail.
On Wednesday, WikiLeaks said it had « grave concerns » about Assange’s health. It said he had « dramatically lost weight » and that prison authorities moved him to a « health ward » in part because he was having trouble holding « normal conversations.

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