Home United States USA — mix President Trump: America is a Land of Greatness – RNC 2020

President Trump: America is a Land of Greatness – RNC 2020


The 2020 Republican National Convention is over. Supporters of the President laying out a strong case for Trump’s re-election.
LOS ANGELES: The final night, A Land of Greatness, of the Republican National Convention (RNC) came with great anticipation, but with much pain in the background. Hurricane Laura harmed Southeast Texas and Louisiana. Riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin were finally waning due to President Donald Trump sending in the National Guard. Senator Kamala Harris gave an angry speech during the day to try and preempt Trump, but he did not take the bait. She repeated the same tropes about America drowning in systemic racism. Americans in the South were more worried about literally drowning from a storm surge. They did not care about the color of who was saving them. The first three nights of the convention were “A Land of Promise” “A Land of Opportunity,” and “A Land of heroes.” The final night was “A Land of greatness.” The Reverend Billy Graham offered the invocation. Representative McCarthy laid it out in simple terms. Democrats are the party of government. Republicans are about individual freedom. Deputy Assistant to the President Ja’Ron Smith is a black man who knows that President Trump has heart. A video montage showed people who used to be on the left before reality set in. They had responsibilities to manage and bills to pay. They realize nothing is free and now support President Trump. There has been a political realignment. Trump is now the anti-war candidate who supports free speech. Van Drew was a New Jersey Democrat until he switched parties last year to support President Trump. His transfer was because he knew things had changed when “The Democratic party had been less accepting of American tradition.” Democrats no longer believed in American exceptionalism. Impeachment was a mistake. Van Drew says his first vote was a no vote – on President’s Trump’s impeachment. Democrats threatened him if he came out against impeachment. Unlike Van Drew, Biden will not stand up to the radical left. “Be true to who you are now, not who the Democrats used to be.” Marine Corp Veteran Stacia Brightmon praised “FindSomethingNew.org,” an initiative spearheaded by President Trump and his daughter Ivanka. Officer Brightmon, who earned a college degree in finance following her service, went from being homeless to being ready to close on a new home next month. Programs by President Trump put her back to work and restored her dignity.White House Deputy Chief of staff Dan Scavino was 16 years old when he started working at Briar Hall Country Club in 1992. One day Trump came to the club and selected Savino as a caddie for Trump’s golf party. Since then he has worked for Trump in various capacities for thirty years. “President Trump is a kind and decent man.” “He saw potential in me, a spark. The possibility that I could do more, be more, achieve more than even I thought was possible. That’s how he views this country too we all just scratched the surface of what we can do together. Senator McConnell pointed out that Trump inherited economic stagnation, despair, and the weakest economic recovery since the Great Depression. McConnell is all about policy, and he contrasted the two major parties and their stances on taxes, guns, and other matters. Democrats at their convention spent a week telling Americans “who Joe Biden is, not what he intends to do.” Another video montage struck square at the heart of today’s pampered activist athletes. Showing athletes including Lou Gehrig who faced far worse conditions than most of us can ever contemplate. Mr. White was on President Trump’s business taskforce. “His highest priority was always the health and safety of everyone in this country.” Trump knows entertainment and recognized the importance of sports returning. UFC was the first sport to return. As for Trump, White says “He is one of the most loyal human beings I have ever met. The man has unstoppable energy.” AG Reyes is of Hawaiian, Philippino, Japanese and Spanish Heritage. AG Reyes’s father, Norberto Antonio “Buddy” Reyes, was half Spanish and half Filipino. He fled to the United States after being threatened by Philippines dictator Ferdinand Marcos. Among his dad’s prized possessions before he passed away recently from cancer was a pen. It sat on his bedsite with his Bible and family photos. That pen was from the president. Sean Reyes is the first statewide minority officer in Utah history. He has prosecuted everything from sex trafficking to narcotics rings. Reyes says Trump has taken drastic steps to crack down on drug crimes while showing compassion for victims. And he has taken the opioid crisis head-on. Trump created a new phone number similar to 911. The new 988 number will specifically field calls for those battling drugs and who are in danger, depressed, or suicidal. Reyes and Trump both understand that the most marginalized victims on earth love America. Biden’s decision to let China join the World Trade Organization harmed her business. Melron is a foundry and machine shop that creates architectural cast bronze architectural hardware in Schofield, Wis. Mrs. Flood’s father started. the business. Today, they are one of the only American companies that makes a product, start to finish under one roof. When she lost nearly half her orders to China in the mid-2000s. At that time Senator Joe Biden, he voted to normalize trade with China and helped pave the way for them to join the WTO, even though it harmed American business. The company took a bold risk and entered the 3-D printing market, using innovation to offer a service that China could not match. Taking a customer idea from sketch to sample to product in just a few weeks. We fought through the recession and when Donald Trump was elected we breathed a sigh of relief. President Trump actually fighting for American workers and American craftsmen, bringing back those three beautiful words “Made in America.” During the riots in St. Louis, the beloved 77-year old policeman was gunned down by a 24-year old rioter. Democrats still deny that this violence is happening. Mrs. Dorn wants “positive peaceful change.” She said that “This isn’t a video game where you can commit mayhem, hit reset, and bring the characters back to life. David is not coming back.” Mrs. Dorn said that violence does not save black lives. It destroys them. President Trump understands that “We need more Davids in our community, not fewer.

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