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Everything You Need To Know About The Xbox Series X On Launch Day


Microsoft is betting big on gaming, and after two weeks with the Xbox Series X we can say there’s a lot to like about what’s inside the box.
Naming conventions be damned, Tuesday officially brought two new Xbox consoles to the market with the Xbox Series X and Series S hitting shelves across the country. Both Microsoft and Sony have decided the next console war will be fought on two fronts, both with an optical drive-equipped device and a download-only console available at a slightly smaller price tag. The plethora of new options can make it difficult to decide which console to buy, and whether it’s worth even diving into the next generation of games at any cost or with any console. And while time and experience (and scarcity) may help sharpen these choices into clearer focus for some, sometimes it’s best to dive in and see what you can for yourself. Which is why Microsoft provided an Xbox Series X to Uproxx Gaming to put through the paces, and after a fortnight with the console I can report that the early returns are, indeed, very good. Buying any new console is a unique purchase for everyone, and it’s impossible to weigh every factor and option. Microsoft is attempting to capture a wider swath of the gaming market with the Series S, but its larger, black box of a sibling is the flagship product on launch day. And the cube certainly brings a lot to the table in an industry that’s more crowded than ever. That shape, though, is one of the first things you’ll notice about the console. Though it’s not as big as the PS5, it takes up considerable space in a way unlike other Xboxes. With its vents on the smallest rectangle of the cube, it’s meant to stand upright and to the uninitiated might look like a large, nondescript router or hard drive. It’s a uniquely-shaped console to say the least, and in my fairly squat entertainment center it simply has nowhere to go but standing slightly taller than the Yamaha receivers next to my record player. If you’re looking to buy a new Xbox simply based on the likelihood you won’t have to rearrange your consoles, buy a Series S and expect to invest in a hard drive eventually. Otherwise, you’re in for some logistical experimentation after you’re done unboxing. If this is a purchase decision made mostly on what games are currently available: wait. There’s no need to torture yourself based on new console FOMO. Games may be optimized, but if you’re feeling the pressure of potentially getting shut out on a title in these early months that simply won’t happen with the new Xboxes. The consoles have zero true exclusive titles on launch day, and even some of the few “exclusives” of the next-gen enhanced titles are available on your current Xbox.

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