Home United States USA — Financial 5 U.S. Military Facilities Given to Afghani Troops Ahead of Withdrawal, Central...

5 U.S. Military Facilities Given to Afghani Troops Ahead of Withdrawal, Central Command Says


In preparation for U.S. military troops withdrawing from Afghanistan, five U.S. military facilities and other supplies were given to the Afghan Ministry of Defense.
U.S. Central Command said five U.S. military facilities have been turned over to the Afghan ministry of defense in preparation of full withdrawal from Afghanistan after an announcement from President Joe Biden that he was ending American presence in the country. Biden’s decision to withdraw troops from the country will mark the end of America’s longest war after 20 years of military engagement following the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The withdrawal has a deadline of Sept.11,2021. On Tuesday, U.S. Central Command said the military withdrawal is already one-fifth complete, and it may be finished weeks before the official deadline. In addition to the removal of U.S. troops, diplomatic efforts are under way to position U.S. counterterrorism forces in neighboring countries for a quick response to any future threats in Afghanistan. For more reporting from the Associated Press, see below. Predictions that the Taliban will quickly overrun Afghan government forces and conquer Kabul once U.S. and coalition forces have fully withdrawn are unduly pessimistic, Washington’s special envoy to Afghanistan said Tuesday. « I personally believe that the statements that their forces will disintegrate and the Talibs will take over in short order are mistaken, » Zalmay Khalilzad told the House Foreign Affairs Committee, whose members expressed deep worry that President Joe Biden’s decision to fully withdraw by September will lead to chaos and intensified civil war.

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