Home United States USA — software TWIRL 17: China to send first taikonauts to the Chinese Space Station

TWIRL 17: China to send first taikonauts to the Chinese Space Station


In the upcoming week, China will be sending its first three taikonauts to the new Chinese Space Station. They are set to blast off on Thursday morning aboard the Shenzhou 12 spacecraft.
You could call last week’s quietness the calm before the storm because the upcoming week is set to be very exciting! On Thursday morning (UTC), China will launch the Shenzhou 12 atop a Long March rocket carrying the first three taikonauts – Nie Haisheng, Liu Boming, and Tang Hongbo – to the new Chinese Space Station. The first launch of the week is scheduled to take place on Tuesday at 11 a.m. (UTC) from Wallops Island Launch Pad in Virginia, U.S. Northrop Grumman will be launching a Minotaur I rocket carrying a classified mission belonging to the National Reconnaissance Office. While details of this launch are quite scarce given its classified nature, the mission allegedly consists of three satellites. If you want to see the launch, there is a pre-event video on YouTube where you can set a reminder for when the event begins.

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