Home United States USA — Financial Democrats' 'Build Back Better' Bill Is a Federal Power Grab. Americans Will...

Democrats' 'Build Back Better' Bill Is a Federal Power Grab. Americans Will Pay the Price.


President Joe Biden has united the American people—in disapproving of his performance, with 70 percent of Americans disliking the direction the economy is
President Joe Biden has united the American people—in disapproving of his performance, with 70 percent of Americans disliking the direction the economy is going and over 6 in 10 blaming him for it. The impact of inflation on people’s pocketbooks and concerns over the expanding role of government are important in explaining those low approval numbers. A good time to change course is now. A recent Washington Post-ABC poll asked, « How concerned are you, if at all, that Biden will do too much to increase the size and role of government in U.S. society? » Some 59 percent said they were « very » or « somewhat » concerned, while 38 percent said they were « not so » or « not at all » concerned. I, for one, am glad Americans are noticing the Democrats’ power grab. Government’s expansion didn’t start with this administration, of course. Both parties are responsible for the continued growth of the size and scope of the federal government that began long before 2020. These parties also joined forces to spend as much as they could on everything related (or not related) to COVID-19 throughout the last year. But today’s Democrats are ambitiously pushing the envelope by further enabling the federal takeover of child care, paid leave, energy, and more. While our previous experiences may lead us to believe that it’s politically beneficial for legislators to line people’s pockets, especially if voters believe someone else will pay for it, this strategy isn’t working so well today.

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