Home United States USA — Art Trust in the US Media Is in Free Fall: Poll

Trust in the US Media Is in Free Fall: Poll


Trust in media, whether it be traditional or alternate, has declined considerably over the years across all political spheres, according to a recent poll by I&I/TIPP Insights. …
Trust in media, whether it be traditional or alternate, has declined considerably over the years across all political spheres, according to a recent poll by I&I/TIPP Insights. To understand the current stance regarding mainstream media, the poll asked, “Generally speaking, how much trust do you have in the traditional or established news media (Example: Washington Post, New York Times, NPR, CBS News, etc.) to report the news accurately and fairly?” The majority of people surveyed,54 percent, fell in the distrusting, that is, little to no trust, categories, with 24 percent claiming they have absolutely no trust in the news. Fourteen percent had a lot of trust. Regarding “alternative media” like The Daily Caller, New York Post, RealClearPolitics, NewsMax, and Washington Times,62 percent of respondents fell in the distrusting category, with 27 percent having absolutely no trust in what’s reported.

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