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Testing Chatbots for the Unexpected


This article shows how to design a robust test strategy for a mission-critical enterprise chatbot by using automated testing.
Join the DZone community and get the full member experience. Quite often we are consulted to design a robust test strategy for a mission-critical enterprise chatbot. How is it possible to test something for all possible unexpected user behaviour in the future? How can someone confidently make assumptions on the quality if we have no clue what the users will ask the chatbot? While we do not own a magic crystal ball to look into future usage scenarios, from our experience we gained the best results with a systematic approach in a continuous feedback setup. In almost every chatbot project the use cases can be categorized: Examples for short-tail topics in the telecom domain: Examples for long-tail topics in the telecom domain: Examples for handover topics in the telecom domain: Our recommendations for the first steps in a chatbot project are always the same: The challenge now is how to get a good test coverage for the short-tail topics — this is the real hard work in a chatbot project.

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