Home United States USA — mix Biden prepares to forgive student debt amid plunging approval

Biden prepares to forgive student debt amid plunging approval


Republican Sen. Mitt Romney called out what is obvious to any political analyst as President Biden’s approval from a core constituency continues to sink: His …
Republican Sen. Mitt Romney called out what is obvious to any political analyst as President Biden’s approval from a core constituency continues to sink: His openness to canceling a substantial portion of the $1.6 trillion in student loans owed by 43 million people looks an awful lot like a bribe. « Desperate polls call for desperate measures: Dems consider forgiving trillions in student loans, » the Utah lawmaker and former GOP presidential nominee tweeted Wednesday. « Other bribe suggestions: Forgive auto loans? Forgive credit card debt? Forgive mortgages? And put a wealth tax on the super-rich to pay for it all, » he wrote. « What could possibly go wrong? » During the 2020 presidential campaign, Biden supported canceling up to $10,000 of debt per student, but he’s now open to forgiving a much larger amount, according to a California Democratic congressman who was with the president Monday in a meeting of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. Rep. Tony Cardenas told CBS News that Biden offered no details regarding loan forgiveness but « smiled » and said: « You’re going to like what I do on that. I’m looking to do something on that and I think you’re going to like what I do.

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