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Why Python Is the Future of Web App Development


Million-dollar companies are using web app development services for their enormous benefits. Read on to learn how Python is the Future of Web App Development.
Join the DZone community and get the full member experience. Python is a programming language that competently backs Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). The language is used by developers across the globe to make the integration of ML and AI highly operational. In the past few years, Python has become a widely popular programming language for web development solutions as it has the potential to meet the future demands of people, businesses, and global markets. Python is a general-purpose computer programming language that is primarily used for building software & websites, performing data analysis, and automating tasks. It was initially released in 1991 and was created by Guido van Rossum. Developers can create a variety of programs with the use of Python web app development. As per the research, Python is the third most demanded programming language with 48.24 percent of developers using it. Even non-programmers use Python because of its easy-to-learn and beginner-friendliness aspects. It smoothly works on varied platforms like Mac, Windows, Pi, Raspberry, Linux, etc. Not only small-scale businesses but also several million-dollar companies are using Python web app development services to have a dominant presence in the global market. This programming language offers multifold opportunities to businesses by which they can have highly responsive web app solutions. Let’s have a look at some of the big names utilizing Python for web application development: The social media platform that has the highest number of active users worldwide also uses Python. As per the research, Python contributes approximately 21 percent of the total Facebook Infrastructure’s codebase. This number showcases the efficiency level of the language; the key reason behind its increasing demand worldwide. After C++ and Hack, Python is the third most used language on Facebook. The product engineers create thousands of Python libraries and binaries which are being deployed and maintained across the complete infrastructure of Facebook. The first question that might strike your mind would be, why does a search engine like Google use Python for web app development? The developers at Google make use of Python for code evaluation tools, system building, and system administration tools. There are various Google APIs in which Python can be found. Google regarded Python as one of its most significant languages as it is heavily used for the company’s robotic projects, ML, AI, and data analysis. YouTube is a massive user of Python for multiple purposes like controlling templates for the website, viewing videos, accessing canonical data, administering videos, etc.

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