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Kubernetes Architecture Diagram


This article will explain each Kubernetes architecture example step, the entire structure, what it’s used for, and how to use it.
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IT Clicked to me just this morning. Do you know what the Kubernetes architecture diagram is? How about Kubectl, microservices, serverless computing, Kubernetes, AWS, containers, Fluentd, pods, nodes, or scaling?
Nowadays, there are plenty of computing terms you’ve probably heard at some point in life, but you might not be able to Click your head around IT all just yet.
Even if you’re familiar with all these terms, do you understand the context they’re used for?
If you understand everything I’ve mentioned so far, you may consider reading further as you’re about to learn so much more. But, if you’re not familiar with the mentioned terms, sit back and go with the flow of my words.
You’re in for a bumpy ride as I’m about to dissolve the Kubernetes topic to atoms and build it back up step-by-step so you’d understand the Kubernetes architecture diagram, each Kubernetes architecture example, the entire structure, what it’s used for, and how to use it.
Therefore, let’s Click right into IT!
A Kubernetes cluster architecture consists of a primary (control) plane and one or more nodes (worker machines). Alternatively, it could be even more if you utilize Kubernetes self-managed services like kubeadmn, kops, etc.
Both instances can be in the cloud, in the form of virtual machines, or even physical devices. However, when it comes to managed Kubernetes architecture environments like Azure AKS, GCP GKE, and AWS EKS, the management of the control plane is done by the designated cloud provider.
Now, when large-scale enterprises wish to perform mission-critical tasks, they’ll use Kubernetes, as it’s an open-source system for container management and a perfect solution for their needs. Why is Kubernetes so great? Here is what it can do:
Besides its basic framework capabilities, Kubernetes is helpful on other fronts. It allows users to choose from various options like languages, logging and monitoring tools, type of application frameworks, along with numerous other valuable tools users may require.
Kubernetes is not a Platform as a Service (PaaS) per se, but you can use it as a complete PaaS starting base.
Ever since Kubernetes showed up in the market, it has become a pretty popular tool and one of today’s most successful open-source platforms.
The sole Kubernetes purpose is hosting your apps in an automated fashion and in the form of containers. This allows you to deploy as many instances of your applications as you need, but that’s not all. You can also enable accessible communication between all the services found in your application.
It sounds incredible; you might be thinking, “is there anything Kubernetes can’t do?” and you wouldn’t be wrong to think that way.
We need Kubernetes simply because it allows us to distribute our workloads across all available resources efficiently, but it also allows us to optimize infrastructure costs. Moreover, Kubernetes has several aces like scalability, high availability, portability, and security.
All applications deployed within Kubernetes are known as microservices, and they are composed of numerous containers further grouped into series as pods. From here, every container is logically designed to perform a singular task.
Almost all container orchestration engines can deliver application availability. However, Kubernetes’ high availability architecture exists to achieve the availability of both infrastructure and applications. It also ensures high availability on the application front by utilizing replication controllers, pet sets, and replica sets.
Kubernetes ensures high availability using replication controllers, replica sets, and pet sets on the application front. In addition, users can set the minimum number of running pods at any moment.
Additionally, Kubernetes (High Availability) supports infrastructure availability, including a wide range of storage backends. These include block storage devices like Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS), Google Compute Engine persistent disk, etc.
Also, it supports distributed file systems like NFS, GlusterFSand, and specialized container storage plugins like Flocker.
Kubernetes’ design offers various choices in operating systems, container runtimes, cloud platforms, PaaS, and processor architectures. In addition, you can configure a Kubernetes cluster on different Linux distributions like CentOs, Debian, Fedora, CoreOS, Ubuntu, and Red Hat Linux.
You can deploy it to run in a local or virtual environment based on KVM, libvirt, and vSphere.
Serverless architecture for Kubernetes is capable of running on cloud platforms like Google Cloud, Azure, and AWS. Still, you can also create a hybrid cloud if you mix and match clusters across cloud providers or on-premises.
When it comes to Kubernetes security, the application architecture is securely configured at multiple levels.
The main Kubernetes advantages are vast, and here’s what Kubernetes has to offer:
Kubernetes will automatically package your application and create container scheduling based on all available resources and requirements without sacrificing availability. As a result, Kubernetes will balance between best effort and critical workloads to save unused resources and ensure complete utilization.
Kubernetes provides peace of mind regarding networking and communication since it automatically assigns IP addresses to containers. In addition, for a set of containers, it gives a single DNS name that will load-balance traffic within the cluster. 
Kubernetes allows you to choose the system storage you want to mount. You can opt for public cloud providers like AWS, GCP, or even local storage. Moreover, you can use shared networks storage systems like iSCSI, NFS, etc.
Kubernetes is capable of an automatic restart of all containers that fail during execution. In addition, it will kill all containers that don’t respond to health checks previously defined by the user. Finally, if the node dies, it will reschedule and replace all failed containers in all other available nodes.
Kubernetes can assist you with updates and deployment of secrets and application configuration without rebuilding your image and exposing the secrets within the stack configuration.
Besides managing services, Kubernetes can handle your batch and CI workloads, which will replace failed containers if need be
Kubernetes requires a single command to scale up the containers, but it can also scale them down with CLI. You can perform scaling via the Dashboard found in Kubernetes UI.
Kubernetes can progressively roll out updates and changes to your app or its configuration. If something goes wrong, Kubernetes can and will roll back the change.
These were some of the most critical advantages of the Kubernetes architecture diagram, but that’s not all Kubernetes offers.

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