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The FBI and liberal media collusion grinds on


Someone in the FBI keeps leaking materials that agents seized during the shocking, unprecedented nine-hour raid of former President Donald Trump’s Florida home on August 8. 
We know this because supposedly sensitive documents keep turning up in the . Of course, they do. The paper justifies its eager role in the FBI-fueled witch hunt against Mr. Trump by claiming concern for “national security.” 
If that’s their motive, the Post should report on President Joe Biden’s dangerous foreign policies and his perversion of our armed forces into a “safe space” for Corporal Klinger. Oh, and the invasion by millions of illegal aliens. Instead of securing the border, the Biden team on Thursday held up another “come on in” sign by streamlining welfare benefits to immigrants.  
Owned by Amazon magnate Jeff Bezos, who has let a Marxist clique ruin his publication, the paper is trying to relive its Watergate fame by taking down Mr. Trump once and for all. In the 1970s, the Post’s daily vilification of Richard Nixon came courtesy of leaks from FBI Associate Director Mark Felt, who the Post code-named after a porn film, “Deep Throat.”
Caught in a coverup, Mr. Nixon avoided being impeached by the Democratic House only by resigning. What he did was bad. But measure it against the Obama and Biden Administrations. They ruthlessly have used the IRS, the FBI, the NSA, the CIA and other agencies for years against political opponents.

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