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Looks Like Stacey Abrams Is Going to Need a New Excuse When She Loses on November 8


Stacey Abrams voter spression excuse for losing on Election Day just evaporated.
There’s some bad news for two-time Georgia gubernatorial Stacey Abrams. Her excuse for losing on November 8 just evaporated. Monday was Georgia’s first day of early in-person voting under the new election law. Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger reported turnout on day one set a new record. From the secretary of state’s website:
Monday, October 17th marked the first day of Early Voting for the November 8th midterm election. Georgia voters turned out in record numbers for a midterm election. As of Tuesday, October 18th just over 131,000 Georgia voters have cast their ballot during Early Voting. This is up from 70,849 on the first day of Early Voting in the 2018 midterm election, marking an 85% increase, and nears the day one Early Voting turnout in the 2020 Presidential election.
Statewide, reports of long lines were minimal, though there were some reports of voters waiting in line for more than 30 minutes from a few popular voting locations in metro areas. Early voting turnout is expected to increase during the final week of early voting, and all Georgia counties will have an Early Voting Saturday this upcoming Saturday, October 22nd. To find early voting locations and hours in your county, visit the Secretary of State’s My Voter Page.
The media used to complain about some Georgia metro counties, exclusively run by Democrats, having lines that lasted hours.

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