Home United States USA — Sport GOP right to kick 9/11-downplaying Ilhan Omar off Foreign Affairs

GOP right to kick 9/11-downplaying Ilhan Omar off Foreign Affairs


Poor Ilhan Omar has been denied a seat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee.
“I certainly did not or was not aware that the word ‘hypnotized’ was a trope,” the Democratic congresswoman told CNN’s Dana Bash this week. “I wasn’t aware of the fact that there are tropes about Jews and money. That has been a very enlightening part of this journey.”
And what a journey it’s been. It’s merely happenstance, Omar would have you believe, that she — along with her bestie, Rashida Tlaib, a woman who gets a “calming feeling” when thinking about the Holocaust’s aftermath and believes pro-Zionist Jews exploit “regular Americans” for “their profit,” etc. — keeps tripping into old-school Jew-baiting. What are the odds?
Omar’s been living in the United States since her early teens. She graduated from high school in a major American city. She earned a B.A. from North Dakota State University in political science and international studies. One assumes she’s consumed plenty of American culture over the years. You’re telling me that in all this time, in all her many interactions as an academic “fellow” and a government employee, she never once heard a stereotype about Jews hypnotizing nations or being motivated by money? That’s quite an accomplishment.
Of course, Omar shouldn’t have lost her seat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee because she believes rootless cosmopolitans are brainwashing the world for the “Benjamins.

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