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Trump will stay in race even if indicted, tells CPAC crowd: 'I am your retribution'


Former President Donald Trump continues to reign supreme over the conservative wing of the Republican party, attending the four-day annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). Closing out the conference, Trump presented himself as the ultimate leader to take on Democrats and « establishment » Republicans and calling the upcoming 2024 presidential election the « final battle. »
« In 2016, I declared I am your voice. Today I add: I am your warrior. I am your justice, and for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution, » Trump said as he continues to ramp up his third presidential campaign.
« This is the final battle, they know it. I know it, you know it, and everybody knows it, this is it. Either they win or we win. And if they win, we no longer have a country. »
Throughout his speech, Trump proclaimed himself as the leader who would « save » America while working to establish a contrast between himself and « establishment » Republicans.
« People are tired of RINOs and globalists; they want to see America first. That’s what they want. It’s not too complicated, » Trump said.
« The Republican party was ruled by freaks, neocons, open border zealots and fools. We’re never going back to the party of Paul Ryan, Karl Rove, and Jeb Bush. »
Trump then attacked Republicans who want to raise the Social Security retirement age.
« We’re not going back to people that want to destroy our great social security system. Even some in our own party, I wonder who that might be. That want to raise the minimum age of social security to 70, 75 or even 80 in some cases, and then a route to cut Medicare to a level that it will no longer be recognizable, » he said.
In a preview of his agenda if elected president, Trump focused on his usual host of conservative topics which included: securing the border, using the National Guard « until law and order is restored, » and fighting for a Constitutional amendment to impost term limits on members of Congress.
He also talked about his newly announced competition to build new « freedom cities. »
« I’ll challenge the governors of all 50 states, all 50 states to join me in a great beautification campaign. We will rename our schools and boulevards, not after communists but great American patriots.

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