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Do these puzzle pieces make a picture of corruption?


Have we witnessed the weaponization of Congress, the FBI, and our military against Russia for political purposes? Do these puzzle pieces connect?
April 2014: The United Kingdom’s Serious Fraud Office froze $23 million belonging to Ukraine’s largest natural gas and oil company Burisma Holding’s co-founder Mykola Zlochevsky, adding him to a « wanted list, » causing him to flee Ukraine amid allegations of unlawful self-enrichment.
During 2014, Vice President Biden’s son, Hunter, was hired as a « director of Burisma » for $80,000-plus per month and traveled to Ukraine multiple times with Joe on Air Force Two. Note, Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC received regular transfers during 2014-2015, totaling over $3 million, while « the big guy » was Obama’s Ukrainian « point man. »
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Early 2015: Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin began investigating Burisma Holdings and Zlochevsky, over allegations of « money laundering, tax evasion, and corruption. »
March 2016: Vice President Biden threatened Ukraine then-President Poroshenko that unless he fired Shokin, the Obama administration would withhold $1 billion from Ukraine. Within six hours, he was fired. With this quid pro quo securing the firing of the prosecutor, Zlochevsky returned to Ukraine with investigations being « completed » and no charges filed.
2018: Ukrainian authorities again opened criminal proceedings against Zlochevsky concerning « theft of government funds on an especially large scale. »
July 2019: President Trump asked the new Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, for assistance investigating Joe Biden’s boasting of getting Shokin fired in 2016. Trump was attempting to initiate contact between Attorney General Willian Barr and President Zelensky. This conversation led Nancy Pelosi to align her Democratic majority in the House of Representatives to pass articles of impeachment against the president, falsely claiming a quid pro quo, when in fact this was an attempt to investigate genuine quid pro quo performed by Biden.

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