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Document Dump: State Department releases long-delayed Afghanistan report blaming Trump and Biden for chaotic withdrawal


Sec. State Blinken ordered this review of the department’s response to the Afghanistan withdrawal. The result is critical of both President Trump and President Biden saying they failed to plan appropriately for the withdrawal.
The report is sharply critical of the U.S. government’s handling of the most serious evacuation crisis since the fall of Saigon. It says President Biden and his predecessor, Donald Trump, each failed to appreciate how a U.S. military pullout would affect the Afghan government’s stability, and that standard summer diplomatic rotations in the weeks ahead of Kabul’s collapse left the U.S. evacuation in the hands of personnel who in some cases had been in the country for only a few days or weeks…
The United States exit from Afghanistan, capped by a chaotic and deadly two-week evacuation from a single airfield in Kabul, pulled more than 120,000 people from harm’s way in an extraordinary airlift effort spearheaded by the U.S. military.
But tens of thousands of others who had assisted the American war effort over 20 years were left behind in an effort marked throughout by chaos and violence, including a gruesome suicide bombing, a botched U.S. drone strike that killed 10 innocent people, and surging crowds that resulted in some people being trampled to death.
The focus on Trump’s decisions seems like a pretty clear attempt to spread the blame given that the disaster on the ground happened months into the Biden administration. The Post also notices the convenient timing of this report.
The report is certain to embolden those most critical of the Biden administration’s handling of the crisis, which left Afghanistan in the hands of the Taliban, cost the lives of scores of Afghans and at least 13 U.S. service members, and sent the president’s approval ratings tumbling. The timing of the report’s release — with little notice ahead of a long holiday weekend — also is likely to draw anger from those who have said the administration has tried to downplay scrutiny of its actions two years ago.
CNN also seems to think the timing looks odd.

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