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Researchers use isotopic analysis to map territories of jaguars in Belize


How do you study a predator with both camouflage and stealth that make it virtually invisible in the forest?
How do you study a predator with both camouflage and stealth that make it virtually invisible in the forest?

Even jaguars poop.
A team of researchers led by the University of Cincinnati applied genetic and isotopic analyses to jaguar scat to investigate the habitat needs of the big cats in the Mountain Pine Ridge Forest Preserve of Belize in Central America. The study demonstrates a novel and non-invasive technique for identifying the landscape use and conservation needs of elusive wildlife.
Researchers used scat-detecting dogs named Billy and Bruiser to find telltale evidence left behind by jaguars in the reserve, which is also home to pumas, margays, ocelots and jaguarundis. They subjected the scat to genetic analysis, known as molecular scatology, to identify not just species but also the individual cats that produced each sample. Researchers then subjected the scat to isotopic analysis, which offers clues about where the animal hunted based on the geology and vegetation of the area.
Published in the European Journal of Wildlife Research, the study concluded that the combination of genetic and isotopic analysis provides a powerful, non-invasive approach to surveying wildlife for conservation.
« We’re not interacting with the animal directly, » said Brooke Crowley, lead author and a professor of geosciences and anthropology at the University of Cincinnati.

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