Home United States USA — software Researchers develop AI that can log keystrokes acoustically with 92-95 percent accuracy

Researchers develop AI that can log keystrokes acoustically with 92-95 percent accuracy


Durham University researchers in the UK have developed (PDF) a deep-learning model that malicious actors could use to steal passwords remotely. The researchers trained the AI on.
In a nutshell: Artificial intelligence researchers have devised a method of hacking passwords by listening to users type on a keyboard. They showed their AI algorithm can learn to recognize typed letters by their sounds when struck on a keyboard. Testing using multiple recording sources revealed the technique is highly accurate.
Durham University researchers in the UK have developed (PDF) a deep-learning model that malicious actors could use to steal passwords remotely. The researchers trained the AI on the sounds of characters typed on keyboards from various distances and angles to create sound profiles for each key. They tested the model using multiple methods, all producing accuracy results above 90 percent.
The most precise technique was using a smartphone’s microphone to « listen » to someone tapping away on a MacBook Pro. In addition to this method being the most accurate (95 percent), it is the easiest way for a hacker to log the keystrokes of a target.

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